So the summer holidays are over for another year.  The rain has returned and the weather is more gloomy; but what about the housing market. 

The traditional, historical trends in the market seem to be a thing of the past.  No longer are Bank Holiday weekends busy.  Indeed the opposite is true; they are the quietest weekends of the year. 

Half terms and summer holiday periods are also very quiet.  Two factors have greatly affected what used to be busy times for Estate Agents.  In years gone by house hunters had to trawl from agent to agent, looking in windows and picking up brochures before deciding which houses to view on their days off.  Often dropping the kids with their grandparents in order to visit houses on bank holidays.  This doesn't happen anymore.

Househunters rarely leave their armchair before deciding which houses to view.  Viewing appointments can be made on line and over the phone - no need to visit the agent. 

Government of the past has interfered indirectly too.  Parents of children in school can no longer go away very easily outside of school holiday times.  Therefore, these times are now very precious and not saved up for viewing houses.  The country half empties at half term and during the Christmas and summer breaks, leaving house sellers frustrated at the lack of viewings.

The autumn market looks promising in the North of England.  Less affected by the new stamp duty rules that have cooled the market in the South of the country.  Prices are still within reach of those on good incomes and with equity or deposits saved up, and there is still a good supply of houses coming to the market, if not enough to satisfy the ever grwoing numbers of Estate Agents.

Sellers are turning to agents who offer a better service, new marketing techniques and those with energy and enthusiasm.  At Belong we provide a level of service called Concierge.  One for those who are too busy to sell their own homes, or just not confident enough to handle the awkward viewings and questions.  If you are thiking of selling this Autumn, and would like to move before Christmas, act qyickly and price your property sensibly, and you may still make your move before the end of 2018.